InWindow Outdoor: Interactive Shop Window*

23 09 2007

Here is an interesting new “motion sensor” driven out-of-home concept, called “InWindow Outdoor“.  It’s based on the “human locator technology“. The advertising is projected in to the window shop from the back and people passing by can interact with the screen.

Here is an example with an Elle MacPherson “Intimates” campaign:

Visit: InWindow Outdoor &

(Source: Brand Tributes “Sony PS” & “Honda UK”*

23 09 2007

Here is an interesting new blog: The blog seems to be pretty new and features a section called “Brand Tributes” that currently has three brands in there: Honda UK, Xelibri and Sony Playstation.

Basically the section covers a conglomerate and rating of the respective brands advertising campaigns.

Looking forward to more of that!!


Toyota USA: Tacoma Street Art*

23 09 2007

Aligend with their Tacoma Pick-up “Unbreakable” campaign, Toyota USA have created a set of print ads mixing street art murals with the real car. The actual shoot turned into a viral street art activity. Street artists David Kinsey was the illustrator for this project.

Pretty impressive set up!

(Source: )

Bronx Zoo: Out of Home*

23 09 2007

Here is a nice out-of-home campaign for the NYC Bronx Zoo that I found on


Motorola Razr2: Michel Gondry’s Dream

22 09 2007

For the launch of their new Razr2 phone, Motorola have comissioned acclaimed director Michel Gondry to create a beautiful TV ad.

The “Dream” Website features a lot of behind the scenes content including an interview with Gondry himself, stills and sketches and and a Making of….

Pretty cool!

Visit: Razr2makingof/ razr2/experience/

(Source: )